General description (provided by company)
Main purpose
HEALTHENTIA is a software intended for: a) the collection and transmission of physiological data including heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and weight directly to care providers via automated electronic means in combination with validated IoT devices; b) the visualization (subjects-based dashboards) and the mathematical treatment of data (trends analysis, alerts) related to the monitored chronic disease subject’s physiological parameters; c) the transmission of patient’s outcomes and outcome scores related to patient’s health status, health-affecting factors, health-related quality of life, disease knowledge and adherence to treatment through validated questionnaires; d) the user (subject/patient) interaction with a conversational virtual coach for informative and motivational purposes, in order to support subject telemonitoring, decision making and virtual coaching.
Target audience
Patient Target Groups: Chronic disease patients taking part of clinical investigation or a medical treatment.
Intended users: Telemonitored patients and their healthcare professionals.
Healthentia platform, which consists of the mobile app for patients and the clinical dashboard for HCP, is a standalone software (Software as a Service) medical active device. The platform consists of a collection of medical and non-medical modules. Medical modules are intended to collect, visualize and compute patient’s physiological parameters to support the monitoring of the patient, decision making during clinical trial or under a medical treatment context. It is considered as a medical device because it is a software intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, prediction or prognosis of disease, and does not achieve its principal intended action by pharmacological, immunological, or metabolic means.
Connectivity to sensors and platforms
Healthentia app is compatible with other devices to collect lifestyle information and vital signs. The supported devices intended for use together with Healthentia are:
• Garmin trackers & watches via Garmin API (Android & iOS): Fenix 5 pro, Fenix 6 pro, Forerunner 945, Vivoactive 4, Vivosmart 4, Venu 2S,
• Fitbit trackers & watches via Fitbit API (Android & iOS): Versa, Inspire 2
• iHealth devices via Bluetooth (Android & iOS): Connected Blood Pressure Monitor iHealth Track (KN-550BT), Smart body composition scale iHealth Fit (HS2S), Smart Pulse Oximeter - iHealth Air (POM3)
• Polar belt via Polar API (Android & iOS): H9
Financing and pricing model
The application is free-of-charge for patients, while payers, hospitals, healthcare professionals, and sponsor organizations have to pay a fee per user per month in PaaS or SaaS model.
Adoption abroad
Healthentia (MDD version) is already used in 10 countries.
Chest / Lung
Healthy Living
Heart / Blood Vessels
Mental Health
Treatment adherence
Alerts & Notifications
Automated Guidance
Data Sharing
Environmental Data
Goal Setting & Gamification
Health Tracking
Personal Health Record
Remote Clinical Monitoring
Treatment Support