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CareLink System

By Medtronic Belgium

The CareLink remote monitoring system is designed for the remote follow-up of patients implanted with a Medtronic pacemaker, defibrillator, or implantable cardiac monitor. Patients owning a compatible smartphone and implanted with a compatible device can use the MyCareLink Heart app rather than a bedside monitor for continuous monitoring of their clinical and device parameters.

Level 3 plus

I am a CE-certified medical device
I am safely connected
I have proven my social-economic evidence and get reimbursed by NIHDI



General description
Additional info

General description (provided by company)

Main purpose

CareLink is a digital solution for remote monitoring of cardiac implanted patients. Patients are continuously monitored, and their clinical team receives scheduled and alert-based transmissions, as well as patient-initiated transmissions in case of symptoms. The app can be used to send heart device information to the patients’ care team, wherever they are and whenever needed. CareLink remote monitoring supports care teams in providing optimal follow-up by moving data instead of patients and enabling early notifications of important clinical or device-related events.

Target audience

The CareLink remote monitoring system is designed for the remote follow-up of patients implanted with a Medtronic pacemaker, defibrillator, CRT-D, CRT-P (cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator or pacemaker) or implantable cardiac monitor.
Patients owning a compatible smartphone and implanted with a compatible device can use the MyCareLink Heart app rather than a bedside monitor for continuous monitoring of their clinical and device parameters.


Device-related and physiologic patient data from the cardiac device (data typically reviewed by the clinicians during in-office visits) is transmitted to the CareLink Network so it can be reviewed by the clinical team through the CareLink website. The data are used by the clinical team to treat patients, optimize therapy, and clinically act in case of events.
For patients using the MyCareLink Heart app (alternative remote monitoring solution replacing the bedside monitor), the app acts only as pass-through to transmit the data. Patients can check information about transmission status, battery life but also record their vitals (weight, blood pressure), symptoms and physical activity as they wish.

Connectivity to sensors and platforms

The app is connected to the cardiac device of the patient and transmits to the CareLink Network.
The CareLink Network has built-in export capabilities to connect to hospital Electronic Health Records (EHR) or other platforms.

Financing and pricing model

Financing and pricing model of the app still needs to be determined.


Heart / Blood Vessels


Alerts & Notifications Data Sharing Diagnostics Health Tracking Remote Clinical Monitoring Treatment Support



Additional info

Compliance to M3 criteria

This application has completed levels M1 and M2 of the pyramid, and the company declares to meet the criteria for mobile medical applications that NIHDI has set within the following specific care process:

Telemonitoring and therapy guidance in chronic heart failure ( More info: NL, FR )

Compliance to M1 criteria

CE certification

Download document Granted by TUV sud Assessed and certified meeting the requirements of:
Medical Device Directive: MDD 93/42/EEC (old regulation) Medical Device Regulation: MDR 2017/745 (new regulation) In Vitro Diagnostic Directive: 98/79/EC (old regulation) In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation: IVDR 2017/746 (new regulation)
Certificate granted on 11/04/2022 Certificate valid till 10/04/2027 Class type of medical device (More info): 2A
ISO Standards:
ISO 13485 Quality Management Systems for Medical Devices (on company level) ISO 14155 Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices in Human Subjects ISO 14971 Risk Management of Medical Devices ISO 27000 series: Information Security Management Systems ISO 62304 Medical Device Software Lifecycle Processes ISO 62366 Application of Usability Engineering to Medical Devices

FAMHP registration and notification

Company registration number at FAMHP: 00355 Product identification code at FAMHP: 604552

General Data Protection Regulation (More info)

Company declares explicitly to be compliant with GDPR rules Company declares that the data are stored in EU only

The app is only available through prescription

Reference publication

- Tarakji K. et al. Impact of a Bluetooth-enabled cardiac device with a patient smartphone app on Clinic efficiency. JACC 2021; Volume 77, Issue 18.
- Tarakji KG et al. Performance of first pacemaker to use smart device app for remote monitoring.

User instructions

Patients use a bedside monitor or an MyCareLink HeartTM app to send data automatically and securely from their heart device to the CareLink platform. This allows clinicians to access patient data using the CareLink clinician website.
Patients using the app can transfer data automatically or manually to their care team from anywhere, at any time. This contributes to improved adherence to follow up and delivering quality of care in line with guidelines. Additionally, it provides patients peace of mind with access to select heart device data, such as connectivity and transmission status, battery life and activity level. Ultimately, the app includes education articles about living with their device and enables patients to track their vitals and symptoms. The app user interface is easy to use and built based on patient feedback.
Detailed user instructions provided to patients and clinicians can be shared upon request.

Components of the application

Native appWeb applicationMedical device

Complaints handling

Via e-mail: rick.paauw@medtronic.comVia telephone: +31 6 20 04 06 14


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This application has completed levels M1 and M2 of the pyramid, and the company declares to meet the criteria for mobile medical applications that NIHDI has set within the following specific care process:

Telemonitoring and therapy guidance in chronic heart failure ( More info: NL, FR )